Semester Five
Bimbisar Nagar
Spaces within public institutions and urban contexts are designed through standardised logics of such “public” but are produced and lived through several subjective contestations which often blur, defy, subvert, disregard or occupy them in awkward ways. In institutions that emerge locally over time, such as the langars, local libraries, reading rooms, khanwals, aanganwadis, community halls, such logics of unexpected occupations are often visible. What is an architecture which is localized (detail-ed) through the act of responding to and allowing for such unanticipated multiplicities? In order to open up this idea of the institution, the studio will observe local programmes that have emerged for public activities in neighbourhoods within peri urban areas and their specific socio-spatial encrustations.
The transit accommodation site of Bimbisar Nagar in the Mumbai suburb of Goregaon East.